Saturday, November 3, 2007


My cousin Roger should love this one. (He is a lineman for the power company in Arkansas)

It was simply too beautiful a fall day to stay inside and watch football. I needed action, adventure, fresh air, and exercise. I needed to do something manly. So I sharpened up my old chainsaw and proceeded to cut down the old dead tree in my back yard, the one that has been threatening to fall on my neighbor's power lines. I did everything right. I studied the angles - adjusted for the wind - cut the notch just right - rechecked the distribution of limb weight to trunk mass - and then - convinced and proud that I had done everything according to the Manly Man's Hand Book - I made my final cut.
Apparently I forgot to figure in the rotation of the earth....
The Picture tells the rest of the story.


RJ said...

oops!..... what we call a PID (public inflicted damage)...hope you did not have to pay the utility for the outage!..and glad no one was hurt. 8,000 Volts has no forgivness!

Buttercups said...

At my office I've seen several amputees and the damage from electricity. Thank God you're safe! Electricity is no joke! They mean it when they say high voltage! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Oh well, some of us just have bad luck! Peg