Chalk it it up to stage fright.
My meager little blog recently exploded with hits.
My loyal 30 - 40 family and friend readers all of the sudden ballooned into 300 - 400 hits per day. I really didn't have anything profound to say to that many people. Most of them, I suspect, were only looking for scandal anyway.
Thanks you for your support, prayers and concern for me. I am fine - perhaps a little jaded - but fine none the less.
Good Lord willing I will be back to my old boring self soon.
My heart knows but my head says are you sure??
10 years ago
I don't know WHY you would be worried about what you write. I mean, it's not like anybody would USE it against you or anything...... they're YOUR thoughts, for goodness sake. Sorry, sarcasm.... it's part of who I am.
I agree. They're looking. Kinda creepy.
I understand. There were so many comments and some wee not very deep. It is good to be able to debate but it seemed to get a little harsh. We love you and hope that things get a little calmer.
Sorry meant to say were very deep and personal.
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