The headlines were the same today as they have been for the past several years: “Six Killed in Suicide Bomb Blast.” It happens so often now that it seems we are becoming immune to it. The details of such tragedies are only deemed news worthy now if they happen close to home on American soil.
Have you ever wondered what would cause someone to go to such extremes? What could possibly motivate a person to strap a bomb to their own body, walk into a crowd of innocent people, and push the detonator? We use words like Radical Extremist to define these people. We tend to think of them as sick, twisted, disturbed, evil or insane. They would prefer that we used words like loyal, brave, servants, soldiers and Martyrs.
I admit that I know nothing about the Koran. I have never read it. I have however heard a few “Moderate Muslims” on The Fox News Channel claiming that the Muslim religion is really a religion of peace. They claim the Koran does not teach or promote such radical hatred and martyrdom. They claim that these “extremist” who are bent on killing themselves and everyone else are misguided and do not know their scriptures. But many readers and followers of the Koran obviously disagree with this view.
Is there such a thing as a Christian Radical Extremist? What does one look like?
I know an elderly couple who used to be members of a 1000+ member Church. What set this couple apart was their belief that passages like I Corinthians chapter 5 should be taken very literally. (Do not fellowship with immoral brothers, do not associate with or even eat with Christians who sin) Over time and through much study and reinforcement they came to identify and lump into this category of “sinners” anyone who happened to disagreed with their traditional religious views.
To make a long painful story shorter – Over time, while being loyal to their conviction, they have slowly disassociated themselves from most everyone they know. Friends and family were not immune to this strong doctrinal stance. As a mater of fact this couple has disowned and has no contact with two of their own children and several of their grand and great grand children. They have disassociated themselves into a very small corner. They now worship in a small congregation of 30 – 40 people
So, what is the point? On the one hand such loyalty and willingness to obey at any cost must be commendable. To sacrifice even fellowship with your own children to hold true to your convictions must be a grand virtue. Didn’t Jesus say that anyone who loves their father and mother, son or daughter more than me is unworthy of me? Surely one who is willing to sacrifice his own life for his cause or his God must be held in high esteem.
So when does religious fervor, dedication and commitment end and radical extremism start? How much is too much? How far is too far? I’m sure that the exact line is debatable. But I think it can most easily be defined by the victims. True religion should have no victims.
Matthew 22:37-40 Ecclesiastes 7:16
My heart knows but my head says are you sure??
10 years ago