If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Romans 12:18
Is it possible to be both opinionated and peace loving at the same time?
I know that the Bible teaches me to be swift to hear and slow to speak.
I know that the best response is usually to just keep my mouth shut and turn the other cheek. But I must admit, it is not easy for me to do. I struggle with keeping quiet- especially when injustice, untruths and intolerance are involved.
But, with the Good Lords help, I am willing to try harder. As far as it depends on me, I want to live at peace with everyone. My views have not changed. My opinion remains the same. I am flattered by all of the attention and press that I have recieved but must admit in the overall scheme of things I am pretty insignificant. I would love to talk to my critics and accusers the old fashioned way - face to face. Two or three witnesses would be welcomed. Please give me a call - I'm in the book.
My heart knows but my head says are you sure??
10 years ago