Friday, October 31, 2008

The Silent Killer

It happened on October 25th, 1989 in Memphis Tennessee at Kirby High School.

Clint, a very handsome athletic sixteen year old was in gym class. They say that he was out on the running track warming up with his buddies. Everything was just as it should have been.

It happened quickly. There was no warning. No one saw it coming. For no apparent reason young Clint Cullpepper simply falls to the ground, and despite all swift and heroic efforts by his coaches, teachers, and emergency medical personal, dies.

We didn't know Clint at the time, but we have since come to know his family very well.

For the past 12 years Clint's story has become a big part of our lives. There has always been the possibility that Jesi and Krysi (his two beautiful nieces) inherited more from him than just his athleticism and good looks.

We have been spending a lot of time lately in the Cardiology Dept at Vanderbilt. We had a two hour conference Wednesday with 5 of their very top doctors. They all agree that Clint's killer is back and is lurking around our house. He is especially fond of Jesi. They have the DNA evidence to prove it. They tell us that something has to be done about it very soon. None of the option are pleasant.

Please keep our family in your prayers.

More to come

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Name Dropper

Every once in a while you just happen to be in the right place, at the right time.
What are the odds of my name being listed right next to two greats like Rick Atchley and Russ Adcox?
Check out the Pod Cast page at the Maury Hills web site! 10 -12 -08

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Happy 100

I made it!
100 miles in 90 days! (I actually made it in 85 days)
I am down to 232 - 234 lbs (depending on what time of day I weigh)
That is a weight loss of 10 - 12 lbs.

I am glad that I took the challenge and set the goal. Even with my modest results it sure beats what I was doing (nothing)

So now what?
Well, I'm glad you asked.....

There is exactly 5 weeks between my 51st birthday (Thursday) and Thanksgiving.
My new goal (Good Lord Willing) is to run 60 miles in the next 35 days, and to get my weight down into the 220's.

Lessons that I have learned:
  • Doing something is better than doing nothing.
  • Bad habits come automatically, Good habits have to be created.
  • If you do nothing long enough it will become all that you can do.


Friday, October 3, 2008

Lighten Up

To Lighten up. That's my goal - both literally, and figuratively.
Lately, I have this overwhelming desire to take up less space in this world.

There are only 20 days left until my 51st birthday and the count down to my 100 mile in ninety day goal. I'm actually doing OK. My weight is down to 232lb (about a 13lbs loss). I have ran 72 miles so far. I have now graduated to 2 miles per day so I should (good Lord willing) make it with plenty to spare. It will be a nice birthday present to me from me.

I'm also on another kind of diet in my quest to take up less space. It's really more of an ego diet.
It includes things like keeping my mouth shut more and expressing my opinions less. It is coming to grips with the fact that I don't really have all of the answers, and the answers that I do happen to have, no one really wants nor needs to hear.

I am on the I Thessalonians 4:11-12 Diet:
Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders ans so that you will not be dependent on anybody.