Thanksgiving started off with a bang - a really loud bang!
Late Wednesday evening Kari and the kids had stopped over to drop off some food and supplies for our Thanksgiving dinner. About midnight, as they were leaving, I heard a loud bang and a terrifying scream. I ran to the back door to see Kari lying in the mud at the bottom of the stairs. Her leg was twisted in an awkward manor beneath her. At first glance, in the dark, it appeared to be a serious fracture.
There were at least 4 factors that lead to the accident:
1. Kari had four year old Emily Klair in her arms. (Emily Klair was not hurt)
2. Kari was wearing old cheap flip-flops
3. It was pouring down rain.
4. The stairs have the reputaion of being too slick.
The combination of these factors led to a 3 hour trip to the Emergency room.
After all the screaming, crying and panic (mostly from us, not Kari) it turned out that there were no bones broken. Just a long laundry list of torn ligaments, sprained joints, and lots of cool bruises. She will be limping long into the new year. She spent Thankgiving day on our couch.
All in All it was a great Holiday. Any excuss to be with our family and friends is always great. As a matter of fact, If I could gauge our family holiday gatherings simply by how much weight I gained, then I would have to say that the Anderson Thanksgiving was a grand success!!
My heart knows but my head says are you sure??
10 years ago