Friday, September 28, 2007

Death before Change

I heard an interesting and disturbing statistic this week. I heard that more than 600,000 people have open heart surgery (CABG) each year in the United States. Of those 600,000 people, 90% make little or no lifestyle changes and end up right back on the operating table or dead within two years. Those who smoke continue to smoke. Those who are over weight and out of shape continue to live and eat just like they always have.
I work in the Cardiac Cath Lab at Maury Regional Hospital. I meet these people every day. Many of our patients are return customers. I see the disbelief, fear, and dread in their eyes when the doctor comes in and tells them that their arteries have clogged back up again. They say, “How could this be?” “How could I let this happen again?”
A heart attack is a major life changing event – it is literally life or death - do or die. If you are blessed enough to survive the first one you had better make the necessary changes in your lifestyle to prevent the second one. Everyone knows that. Everyone understands that. But the sad fact is that less than 10% do anything about it.
Is it because we fear change worse than we fear death? No, I don’t think so. I’m convinced that the 90% desire changes more than anything – but they are incapable of change. It is like pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps. They don’t know how to live any other way.
What would it take to change your lifestyle? We all think that we are above all of this foolishness – I did. I told myself that I was much too smart and well educated to fall into that trap. But fall I did. (Proverbs 16:18)
I had my Heart Cath back in June. While there were no blockages, there was significant Coronary Artery Disease (arterial sclerosis). I admit that since June I have made no changes in my lifestyle. I have actually gained 5 more lbs. I am the 90%


Anonymous said...

Yo Gar! this is Paul - I found your Blogspot! It sure wasn't due to the great search capabilities of Googles' blog search. But you did turn up on the first page of my simple Google web search.

Man for a guy who didn't like to study look what happened? Nursing?! and now BLOGGING!! unbelievable.

After reading one post on your relationship with your parents, I had a thought. We are either for Jesus or against him. If we are for him, we are also brothers and sisters to all who are called to follow him. Thank God Jesus chooses unlikely and unlovely to be God's children. It is not our job to tell God who should NOT be in His family.

Give us a note!

best regards,

Paul and Denise

I will be browsing through your blog. In the meantime you can check out ours (really it is Denise's) at

Denise Nelson said...

Dear Gary and Lynetta:

Praise God! I've just read your latest posting on heart issues. September, 2005, I began Weight Watchers and lost 33#, started going to the gym instead of Curves and feel great! I have since had 2 miscarriages and gained about 10# but am looking forward to getting those off soon! I want to be in top shape when we get our children from Liberia. Can't wait to read the rest of your blog! Please be praying for us on Tuesday, October 2. I will be talking to the director of Acres of Hope about some specific children that we feel are the perfect match for our fam. If we receive the referral on Tuesday, I will be sharing on my blog.

God bless and send our love to your family!


Anonymous said...

Interesting thoughts. Human nature is to desire change and maybe even inact it when things are in crisis mode, but when things return to normal so do our habits. I haven't experienced that as much from a physical standpoint, but I can certianly relate from a spiritual one.

Buttercups said...

I was just reading in Matthew yesterday and Sunday I visited Faith Outreach Church in Clarksville where Bill (Kennedy) used to preach years ago. He is friends with the orig. pastor who is still there. They had a guest speaker who talked about how christians don't take God seriously anymore. He focused on God's peace that he offers us but what was interesting is that later in Matthew in the incident where none of the disciples were able to cast the demon out of the man (Ch. 18ish?) in the Message Remix 2.0 Jesus actually is paraphrased as saying, when asked why no one else was able to do it, "You are not taking God seriously." You CAN do it Gary... I know you can! Take Him seriously! Ask for Him to help you make the change! He will help you!

Anonymous said...

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