Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What is Truth (part two)

I believe in everything - a little bit"
Marilyn Monroe

Long ago, and far away, the world was flat. People lived and died with no logical reason to ever question, challenge, or rethink this perceived truth. As far as they could see….it was truth.

Are you old enough to remember the TV game show Concentration?
It was based on a children’s matching game where contestants slowly revealed a hidden picture called a rebus. A rebus was a person, place, thing, phrase, etc., that was spelled out using phonetic sounds and pictures - hidden below a board of 25 numbers. As the rebus was slowly revealed contestants tried to be the first to see the whole picture and solve the puzzle.

So, what does an old TV show have to do with truth? Well, imagine, just for the sake of this discussion, that the rebus represents “The Truth” (the whole complete truth). It could therefore be reasoned that each small portion of the rebus represented “a truth” – which when pieced together at the end made up “The Truth”. How silly and pointless would it have been for the contestants to argue, debate, and out-right fight over “The Truth” before it was completely revealed? To guess, theorize, piece together, and ponder was good hearted, healthy, and fun. It was what made the show interesting. But to dogmatically declare “The Truth" based on your impression of “a truth” would have been absurd.

The objection to this allegory is predictable. Most will quote 2 Peter I: 3 and rightfully claim that we already have the complete picture and “The Truth” revealed to us in God’s word. Granted, this claim is “a truth”. But, how many of us have a complete understanding of God’s word? Let’s be honest, how many of us have ever even read it in its entirety?

There is indeed such a thing as truth. And, that truth is attainable - but it takes a lifetime. The truth is absolute and never changing. I, on the other hand, am growing, changing, and ever learning. The truth that I know today is not like the truth I knew when I was 20. While the truth never changes, my understanding and grasp of it changes daily. The truth, like the galaxy is so vast, that humans at their best can only catch a glimpse.

So, lighten up. Don’t be so dogmatic and opinionated. Don’t be so quick to judge. Be forever a student. Make sure your words are always seasoned with salt, for you may have to eat them one day.

I Corinthians 13:12 Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

Job 28:20-23 Where then does wisdom come from? Where does understanding dwell? It is hidden from the eyes of every living thing, Concealed even from the birds of the air. Destruction and Death say, ‘Only a rumor of it has reached our ears.’ God understands the way to it and he alone knows where it dwells


Anonymous said...

I just want to ask one thing and I am not disagreeing with what you wrote just curious...

You said "the truth is absolute and never changing. I. on the other hand, am growing, changing, and ever learning." And you go on to say that the truth you know now is not like the truth you knew when you were 20. That is true if it is with expercience and knowledge of everyday life, but if the truth is never changing then why is it so different for you now??

Just a thought I mean what made you question in the first place? People,the world??I mean how does it work...again I am just asking because I have to wonder if in 20 years your preception on the truth now will be different?? and if that is the case then what is the point really?? Because you said it yourself the truth is never changing..does it not seem then that we are the ones changing it by how we perceive/understand/grasp it, or how we let it become more hidden, or how it molds to fit what we want or feel?

I guess my point(that I am failing desperately to make) is this:

Everyday that we are here on this earth we are influenced, taught, guided, impressed upon by others and the world around us, so in that how do we know when we have got a better understanding of the truth,a better grasp on it or better yet how do we know that we have not messed with the truth or even covered it up and lost sight of it more then ever?

Just a thought and I hope you get what I mean I never claim to be a writer..lol


Stephanie Anderson said...

My favorite thought about "spiritual truths" is:

"How much differently would you see things if you had been raised alone on a desert island with only the Bible?"

I feel safe to say that my ideas of "truth" are less affected than they used to be. I love it when I am able to sit down in study and the Holy Spirit imparts these truths to me. I've always decribed this just as you have as a puzzle. We can't see the finished product yet. We only have some pieces and the picture is revealing itself to us as we are able to fit those pieces together through study and God's direction. It has been so remarkable to me to experience this!

One day Mema and I were having a discussion about different interpretations of the Bible (i.e., KJV vs. NIV) and I was saying that many people have difficulty reading KJ. She told me that "that is what the preacher/teacher is for" - to explain it to you. Wow! I want to read it for myself....don't you? I know that is what the Holy Spirit is all about! I'm cravin' the Word just thinkin' about it! (Must make more time for that :)!

Love ya,

garyneat said...

One thing I forgot to say is:

There are certain things that through experience and knowledge of everyday life,(and study) become much clearer. There are parts of the puzzle ("a" truths) that are reinforced and confirmed more and more each day.
Like God is real. He cares, and he is in control.

One example of how truth has changed for me over the years would be;
I used to think that God only worked within the fellowship of the church of Christ. (my world was flat. I had no need to ever question it) That statement is still true - except for that one little word "ONLY". That one little word made a big difference in my life.
Was i influenced,taught, guided, impressed upon by others and the world around me? Yes, I guess to a point we all are. But in the end we are the ones who really have to decide what is real and whats not.

The good news is that God is still in control. After the price he paid for us he is not going to just let us slip away because of our inability to figure it all out. He knew we were ignorant when he bought us.
I love you.

Anonymous said...

Very good read Gary!, I love the analogy with the game concentration.

The defining moment in my changing came when I was challenged to really reflect what Paul was saying to the Corinthians pertaining to not being able to fully understand what the truth might be. I was always taught (by the ones that Stephanie alluded to) that perfection had already come and the truth was completely revealed in the canonized version of the bible that we now currently read (established around 300 A.D.)but now my FULL understanding of the scripture (after studying in a contextual perspective) leads me to believe that perfection refers ONLY to the coming of Christ, at that point "then will we know fully" (as Paul stated) the truth in its completeness.

Thanks Gary, for validating our convictions with you writings.

The only response I have to people who ask me why I "left the church" is that in life: Some of us change-Some of us never change.

Not to say that I am better or smarter or more saved that those who ask me, its just that reading and studying on my own has lead me in a different direction.

I love all the people that I have disappointed and I fully respect their adherance to what they believe is true. They are good people who God loves completly.

I continue to Trust in his Grace, Mercy and Love as I move foward in my quest to fully understand.


Anonymous said...

Kari,the point is that with each year of your life new answers and truths come to light. We are ever-changing and I am sure you are too. I do not know how old you are but I dare say you are not the same today as you were 10 years ago. The knowledge we gain from study, worship and prayer will continue to deepen your relationship with God. The truth will always be the same but your understanding will deepen and mature. Does that mean that the truth changes....no just that you may see the truth in many new ways as I suspect Gary now does. Have you ever looked outside your Church for truths? Perhaps studies with someone who sees and reads things differently. Never close your eyes to ways of maturing and seeing the truth. Also, never think you have all the answers because as you grow older you will surely see that you do not.

Anonymous said...


I agree with what you say but I also have matured in my knowledge. I think we tend to pick apart the Bible and its scriptures. We want so bad for everyone to read and understand as each of us reads and understands. Even great scholars cannot and do not agree on everything. But what we must all remember is that God did give us the Bible as a map for our lives.


Buttercups said...

There was a speech in a popular movie out several years ago about America, but I seriously think it applies here. I'll paraphrase:

Christianity isn't easy. You've got to want it bad. You've got to be willing to accept that someone will advocate their way at the top of their lungs while you are willing to advocate your way at the top of yours.

That part of the speech at least, I see a lot in Christianity. There's a lot of noise. There's a lot of I'm-right-and-you're-wrongs. But he was right. It's not easy. It's the hardest thing ever.