Thursday, June 12, 2008

No Winners

Lately, when it comes to any subject that includes the idea of “us” against “them” I have been trying my best to keep my mouth (and my typing finger) shut.
It is not as if I no longer have strong opinions – I do.
It is just that through my ever so short silence I have observed and learned the following:

When it comes to religious infighting there are no winners.

No matter how well worded or good intentioned an argument, the conservatives remain conservative, the liberals remain liberal and the outsiders remain disgusted. Arguments do not change minds, hearts, or attitudes. Time and circumstances however, do.

Call it life, call it fate, call it the Holy Spirit if you are brave enough. But the truth is that only God can change someone's heart.

In my life, when I needed God the most, my legalistic attitude and my scripted answers and arguments were simply not enough. My iron clad interpretations and indisputable reasoning left me cold, alone and empty. God used Life's circumstances to do something that no argument could ever do - change me.

If God can change me, he can change anyone. So, give it time. Let God work. You will be amazed at the changes you see.


Anonymous said...

Well said and well put.

Thank you and love you!

praylivelaughlove said...

"God used Life's circumstances to do something that no argument could ever do - change me."

that is my favorite line in your entire blog. I believe it is the most heartfelt comment I have read in a long time and I thank you for this particular blog. Thanks for sharing. God bless you.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

"Happy Fathers Day!"
