Friday, July 18, 2008

Life is Precious

We treat them differently. We don't mean to, but its hard not to.

Most of the patients that we deal with in critical care want to live. They are struggling with every ounce of their being to to hold on to this precious life for as long as they possibly can. Everyone involved in their care works feverishly to give them every possible chance to do just that. It is a constant battle that none of us wants to lose.

But, occasionally, we are faced with the patient who does not share our respect for and our love of human life. They are the ones who have tried just as desperately to end their lives. If they do happen to make it past the ER to us, it simply means that they did not do a very good job.

How do you deal with a grief stricken family in one room who's loved one lies franticly gasping at their last few breaths of life, while in the room next door you have an otherwise healthy but angry patient cursing and screaming at the top of their lungs demanding to be left alone so they can die.

It is really hard not to get an attitude. Sometimes you just want to rip their good lungs out and give them to the guy next door who would appreciate and cherish them. But that thought quickly passes. These people are usually just as desperate - they just don't know it.

I can not imagine the intense pain that must lead to this type of behavior.

We have on occasion saved a few. We have cleaned their lungs, repaired their hearts, detoxified their livers, and cleared their minds - if only for awhile.

I remember one young man in particular who walked back in to the CCU on Christmas eve to shake our hands and hug our necks and thank us for saving his life.

He was an intentional cocaine overdose who had come to us 3 months before. He had been as good as dead for two of those three months. For weeks that he laid paralyzed in a rotating cage, swollen beyond human recognition, hooked to more tubes, drains, and IV lines, than one nurse could possibly handle. But God decided to give him another chance at life.

I remember giving him "The Speech". The Speech goes something like this:
"You are a walking miracle. By all odds shouldn't be standing here today. You have been given a second chance by God. You can not go back to your old life or you will surely die. You have a new life now - make it a good one."

He thanked me, hugged me, and walked away. I found his obituary two months later. He died of a cocaine overdose...


Amanda said...

My husband and I found a man hanging in a tree late one night way out in the boonies on a friend's property. He should have died too. We sure weren't equipped at the time to save him. But, God worked in spite of us and he was saved by some pretty redneck CPR (aka beating the crap out of him). We later learned it was one of many failed attempts to take his own life. The family told us they wished we would have left him. That didn't help my fragile state after that traumatic night. After weeks in ICU, he recovered. I have no idea about his well-being now, and it may be best that way.

It's sad, but I know they don't always turn out that way. I know of a couple of people who have tried, and God's grace kept them from suceeding. Now, they are changed and loving life, although it is often painful and hard.

God bless you for trying!

garyneat said...


"redneck CPR (aka beating the crap out of him)"

I laughed till I cried!!

Redneck CPR sounds a lot like what we professional do, and probably just as effective.
Thanks for the story :)


Anonymous said...

I too know of someone who tried something very foolish out of desperation. But God saved that person and turned her life around. God has done great things in her life. Only God knows what is best.

Love ya,

Anonymous said...


Check out this guys story. It is awesome. He lives in Spring Hill with the rest of his Band.

Anonymous said...


Check out this guys story. It is awesome. He lives in Spring Hill with the rest of his Band.