Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What Ever Happened to Sin?

Several years ago I asked my Sunday morning adult Bible class to list all of the things that used to be viewed as unacceptable Christian behavior (SIN) that are now considered quite tame and perfectly acceptable.

The list was pretty amusing:

Card Playing
Shooting Pool
Men with Long Hair
Social Drinking
Eating at a restaurant that served alcohol
Buying groceries from a store that sold alcohol
R rated movies
Women wearing pants to church
Shopping or going out to eat on Sunday
Mowing your lawn on Sunday afternoon
Lottery tickets

A few items on the list elicited moans and signs of continued disapproval from some of the older folks in the class. Most of the items on the list elicited laughs and disbelief from the younger folks in the class.

My question is this: Was it innocence or ignorance?

What do you think the list will look like in the year 2025?

237/ 56


Unknown said...

In 2025 Homosexual Marriage will be viewed as Interracial Marriage was in the 1950s.

Anonymous said...

Many people put a hedge on sin. You shouldn't drink socially so you would never be drunk. If you did no dancing then you will not do lustful dancing, ..

In 2025
1. Issues of worship (clapping, hand raising, praise teams, etc)
2. Having nice facilities

I would ask what will we consider sin in 2025 as our culture changes?

Anonymous said...

Maybe it wasn't innocence or ignorance. Maybe it was faithfulness. Maybe that generation took God and His Word seriously and knew that no passing pleasure of this world is worth risking your soul over. Maybe each generation takes the commands of God lighter and lighter until we forget about judgement. It is all love and tolerance for sin. In our efforts to make sure we are being loving to sinners, we have come to love the sin as well.